Smithers RCMP Civilian Oversight

Solicitor General
 Status: Remains Under Community Monitoring

About Historically

In 1995, a complaint was filed against a Smithers RCMP member, and although the complaint was resolved locally without issue, the retaliatory abuse was on. Two years later, three kids got caught in the crossfire of the RCMP's abuse of the complainant.

The three kids would end up in permanent state foster care as a result and their lives were destroyed.  The RCMP refused to address any complaint on the matter as would show the legitimacy of their complaints process, none.  It became clear that the RCMP maintains its polish on the back of its victims.  The Smithers RCMP was cited with a failed command in 1997 and Localized Civilian Oversight of the RCMP was established.  The RCMP was cited with a failed command nationally a short time later and except for three years, Civilian Oversight remains to this day.                                                                                         


Presenting Issues

There are no presenting issues at this time that Civilian Oversight is aware of.